Faith Agugu

Jan 21, 20203 min

Live a life of Plenty in 2020!

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance"

Napoleon Hill

Welcome to Let's Heal Together and the first newsletter for 2020 and this decade. If you are based in Australia, I hope you and your loved ones are safe!

I made the decision many years ago not to set New Year's Resolutions as my experience was that I didn't keep them. Research supports my experience, demonstrating that most people will abandon their resolution by the beginning of February. I don't know about you but I find this very disheartening as I feel that by setting a resolution that begins on 1st January, we are doomed to fail.

 In the past 7 years I have set a theme for my life. For the past 5 years the theme was trust as I struggled to trust that I was being looked after or that there was a benevolent being who loved and cared for me. I saw life as hard and a struggle and questioned its real meaning as I saw so many people suffering, politicians who seemed to only care about their own agenda and how the human race continued to neglect and abuse animals and nature.

On some level my beliefs were correct but holding these views did not serve me and only made me depressed and overwhelmed. So I decided that I would set a spiritual practice to trust that there is a greater good in all that is taking place on this planet and that no matter how messed up life on Earth looked, that humans were evolving and that the current climate was just a transition towards a more peaceful, heart centred world.

This helped me especially when my own life was tumbling out of control. I began to trust and as I did so, my life became more fulfilling and serene. 

I was given a silver bracelet by a client with the inscription, Trust - Which I wore and looked at everyday to remind me of my practice.

A few months ago this bracelet broke and I took it to mean that I had graduated! Then a few weeks after this, the beautiful Jacquie Love from Secret Sisterhood gifted me a necklace and bracelet with the words Gratitude on them and I took this to mean that this was my new spiritual practice.

What is your theme for 2020?

The saying goes that we teach what we most need to learn, and I want to learn more about abundance so I decided that this would be the focus of The Healing Process for 2020. We focused on Mindfulness in 2018 and living a soul heart-centred life in 2019.

To kick start the year, I am running a workshop called, Living a Life of Plenty in 2020. If you are struggling to set your intention for the year and If you  want to align your intentions for 2020 with abundance, this workshop is for you! Check out the link below for more details.

I will also be sharing my weekly gratitude on our Facebook group so that we can support each other and stay accountable to the theme you have chosen for 2020.

2019 was a challenging year for many of my clients and women in my community so I wish you a gentle and abundant year full of grace and gratitude. I hope you join me online or in person so that we can walk this journey together.

Big hugs,

Faith xoxo

Join  The Living Soulfully in 2020 community to watch my weekly Facebook live. Check the Facebook group for any sessions you may have missed.

See you there!
