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Lilli Morgan

High School Teacher & Activist

After completing a BA in international studies at RMIT I worked for an international adventure travel company looking at how to use tourism as a sustainable form of development.


After a few years there I stumbled across the idea of 'Public Health'; an umbrella industry looking at improving human wellbeing through the interaction of food systems, urban planning, social connectedness and the environment. My life passion is to help create systems that promotes health, rather than disease and loneliness.


In 2015 I completed my Masters in Public Health through Melbourne Uni, and focused on non-communicable diseases. I worked with NCDFREE for 2 years creating short films, and running global advocacy campaigns and events to engage young people. Towards the end of my Masters I focused in on adolescent mental health which is where I fell in love with Smiling Mind and their vision to get mindfulness onto the curriculum. Smiling Mind is a unique not for profit, web and App-based program, designed to help introduce mindfulness to the masses.

From there my interest in trying to improve the education system grew, and I'm now a high school teacher in outback WA getting some on the ground experience of what that's like. 

Lilly Morgan

The Healing Process Acknowledge

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