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Silver Sirens 2021 Invite
Ubuntu Afro Sister Circle

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For one powerful day, our Silver Sirens leaders will explore the pillars of enhanced living.

​Ageing Across the Culture

​What if the limited, constrictive confines of our own western cultural perspective are an illusion? 

Ageism in the Workplace

Are you being overlooked for certain jobs? Are your opinions no longer sought? We’ll hear how other women have managed and triumphed over these scenarios.

Ageing in the Public Eye

What is it like to live out this most personal - and sometimes excruciating - emotional and physical reckoning under the klieg lights of public media attention and judgement? What if you are only getting better with age, but your professional core identity and demographic appeal is associated with youth? ​

Our Elders Are Treasures​

An old African proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Usually, it’s not until we’re older that we appreciate the wisdom of those who have come before. In this conversation 2 generation Y will explore the wisdom and knowledge of 2 Elders in this enriching conversation across the generations.

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Lunch Break


Welcome to the Event

with - Faith Agugu


Ageism in the Workplace


Ageging Across the Culture


Afternoon Entertainment and Prizes


Morning Entertainment, Prizes


Ageing in the Public Eye


Ageism in the Workplace


Our Elders Are Treasures


Closing and Dance Off

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Ticket price includes morning & afternoon tea, lunch, 12 speakers, 2 entertainers, and a lush gift-bag

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Faith Agugu

Founder, Silver Sirens

If you want to shift your inner dialogue about ageing, Faith Agugu is the woman to have in your corner. She has always had the instinct that she would get better with age, and she is hoping to inspire other women into the same mindset, hence Silver Sirens.


In 2018 Faith launched the inaugural Silver Sirens event in Sydney. “We had some iconic Australian women who took the stage to speak about this potent and transformational period of our lives. Health, beauty, business, leadership and spirituality were all on the agenda on the day."


Earlier this year I asked our Facebook group this question - As elders, what more can we do? This question was posed in light of the multiple global crises that were brought home to those of us living in Australia.

I have to admit that when I've witnessed a crisis like this in the past, I've never taken direct action more than sharing my concerns on social media. I realised though, that I want to use Silver Sirens as a platform to foster change.


In line with this year's theme of "Re-Defining Ageing", I want to be the change that I want to see in this world, so I decided to take action.


So I invite you to co-create a brave and bold new world with me. I ask you the same question I posed to the group, what will you do to make a difference in your community?


Women are relevant and set to become even more so. The demographic you may have ignored is the one you now need to befriend. Learn to listen to women, especially the wisdom keepers, the older women.

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2019 © cynthia sciberras (43 of 97) (1).

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The Healing Process Acknowledge

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